Wednesday 1 December 2010

Analysing a print advert

Analysing a print advert

The product I am analysing is a fragrance by Britney spears.
The target audience for this product is women from ages 18-24.the needs that are being targeted of this product would be self esteem as it gives women the attitude to feel good about themselves.
The setting of this advert is calm; the lighting from the moon creates this effect. Britney is in a lake and it looks like the wind is blowing on her, as her hair is swaying. The moon in the setting looks unrealistic as the lighting is too bright.
The costume Britney is wearing in this advert makes her look womanly. The image has been constructed to attract the target audience by Britney facing away from the audience but looking back with her arms stretched back as if she is saying ‘come follow me’. Also the image is airbrushed witch makes her look pretty; this could make people think ‘if I buy this product I will look pretty too’.
The celebrity being used to promote this perfume doesn’t fit into any stereotype I just get the impression of Britney being very gentle and feminine.
A mid-shot has been used so we can focus only on the character in the image.
This product looks like it would smell musty and strong.
This product has a slogan ‘a new fragrance’ this gives off the effect that every perfume Britney brings out is special or ‘exclusive’. 

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