Wednesday 1 December 2010

Advertising introduction

Advertising introduction
What is the purpose of advertising?
Advertising is used to help sell and promote a product. Also to show what days and times programmes are on TV.

Name 3 recent advertising campaigns that have grabbed your attention. What in particular interested you?
The ‘dell laptop advert interests me because I find the music catchy. I like the trailer of the new ‘paranormal activity 2’ because I never get bored of it. I like the milk ‘yeo valley’ advert that comes on after xfactor, as I like the rap in that advert because it is funny and catchy.

Did you purchase the product? If not, have you ever bought a product because you have seen the advert?
No, I have never bought a product because of the advert, but I have watched a film because I saw the trailer.

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