Friday 10 December 2010

gendered products

A feminine way a car maybe represented is by using a husband and wife with their kids going on a family day out. A way to challenge this stereotype would be by using a woman in a suit driving a masculine car to work.
Bottled Beer
A feminine way to advertise beer could be by having a woman and her friends having fun at a party/on the beach/club ect, or by using a pregnant woman to advertise alcohol in a bad way to show that woman shouldn't drink when they are pregnant.

A woman could be used to advertise trainers by showing a woman jogging/working out in the gym/using a exercise DVD or by showing a woman walking to work and back with ‘comfortable’ trainers on.
An IPod
A feminine way to advertise an iPod would be to have a cartoon lady dancing with her iPod playing or a teenage girl could advertise and iPod showing road safety; as the teenage girl would be laying on the ground as if she had been knocked over by listening to her iPod when crossing the road.
To advertise deodorant in a feminine Way would be to have a lady just coming out of a shower then she puts on deodorant or a man putting on deodorant then a the women chase after him.
A feminine way to advertise cigarettes would be to have a woman smoking and her child complaining that their scared that their mum is going to get ill or die.